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"We work in interior spaces that move outward into exterior spaces" Lily Yeh


Mark Cassidy and Suzanne Hersh offer workshops, classes and coaching for a wide range of clients. Whether exploring performance skills, preparing a presentation or audition or increasing your overall confidence, Mark and Suzanne work with the methodology and approaches of theatre to help you express yourself authentically and effectively.


One of the ways we endeavour to build bridges between theatre and community is through outreach and education.   While based in Kingston, we offered performance and issue workshops to many local organizations. We also ran classes for youth and conducted longer term workshops in both the men's and women's prisons in and around Kingston.  After moving to the G.T.A.,  we helped launch the Oakwood Village Arts Festival in our mid-town Toronto neighbourhood.  We also continue to provide a range of educational opportunities for people of all ages and abilities, through the theatre classes and workshops we offer in both traditional and non-traditional settings. 


Workshop clients have included: 


Ve’ahavta Street Academy

OCAD Urban Ecologies Conference

Toronto District School Board

York Region District School Board          

The Reena Foundation                           

Young People’s Theatre                

Jewish Vocational Services

The Geneva Centre

CODE Conference

Ideas Congress                                   

TDSB/Harbourfront Conference on Social Issues in the Arts                       

Theatre Direct                                    

Collin’s Bay Penitentiary

Prison for Women                  

United Church of Canada                   

Loyalist College

St. Lawrence College

Ontario Crown Attorneys

Belleville City Police                                  


Whether you are a business or non-profit organization, an individual or community group we would be happy to design a workshop, class or coaching session which suits your needs and budget.  For more details, or to book your workshop, please contact us at


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